MIDI FEED BIOTECH LIMITED released the 2021 earnings pre-increase announcement, and the performance was in line with expectations. In 2021, it is expected to achieve a year-on-year increase in net profit attributable to the parent company, and the performance is in line with expectations. The main r...
MCP Feed Grade Additives:Poultry feed 22% Granular;MCP 22% Factory...
DCP/MDCP/MCP Feed Grade Additives;DCP/MDCP/MCP Feed Grade factory;DCP/MDCP/MCP Feed Grade Plant...
Feed Grade Mineral Factory:DCP 18% Powder;MDCP 21% ;MCP 22%...
All phosphate based products, including fertilizers, but also feed phosphates are based on rock phosphate or on so-called fluor-apatite. Rock phosphate occurs widely in nature. Large deposits exist in Russia, USA, North Africa and China, where they are obtained mostly by opencast mining....
Top quality DCP 18% ;Feed Grade DCP 18% ;DCP 18% Plant;DCP 18% factory...
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