Industry Investigation of Phosphoric Feed Additive

Date:2016-11-24 visits: 252

The recommended level of phosphorus in feed and the current situation and optimization analysis of phosphate application in China

At present, agricultural non-point source pollution has become an important source of pollution affecting the rural ecological environment, and it is the bottleneck of the rapid development of China's modern agriculture. Among them, the environmental pollution caused by phosphorus discharge from livestock and poultry manure and urine has gradually become a common concern of all countries in the world. Runoff, leaching and seepage enter the water body; in addition, improper management of livestock and poultry manure can also lead to the direct discharge of phosphorus into rivers and lakes, resulting in phosphorus pollution in water bodies. Eutrophication caused by phosphorus pollution in water bodies will deteriorate water quality, cause water body odor, reduce transparency and dissolved oxygen, and eventually lead to a series of ecological and environmental problems such as the death of fish and other aquatic organisms. Phosphorus in livestock manure mainly comes from undigested phytate phosphorus and inorganic phosphate phosphorus. Phosphorus in plant feed mainly exists in the form of phytate phosphorus. Due to the lack of enzymes that degrade phytic acid in the gastrointestinal tract of monogastric animals, the utilization rate of phosphorus is low. Therefore, phosphate is usually added to supplement the deficiency of dietary phosphorus in production. , Phosphate phosphorus usually accounts for 1/3 of the total phosphorus in the feed. Scientifically evaluate the key factors that affect the efficiency of feed phosphorus utilization, such as phosphorus requirements, phosphate additions, and total feed phosphorus content recommended by Chinese livestock and poultry breeding standards. Fecal and urinary phosphorus excretion are important.
