Effects of aflatoxins in corn gluten on poultry

Date:2020-03-20 visits: 229

Introduction to aflatoxin

1. Dangers of aflatoxin:

  • Mold can rapidly deteriorate feed fat, reduce protein digestibility, seriously reduce the levels of lysine and arginine in feed,and reduce feed metabolic energy. Many hazards can occur after animals eat them.

  • Affect the growth, development and production performance of animals

  • Reduce animal reproductive performance

  • Interference with animal immune system

  • Induce cancer

2. Current common methods to solve mycotoxins in feed

  • Suitable storage conditions

  • Control the moisture content of raw materials and feeds

  • The warehouse must be ventilated, cool, dry, and have good ventilation equipment

  •  Add adsorbent

  • Add antifungal agent

  • Add Chinese herbal medicine

Our CGF /CGM contains very low aflatoxin content and the price is advantageous, so if you are interested, you can contact us at any time.

CGM (3).jpg
